Hailie's Homeschool Adventures

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Condensation ... a science experiment!

Hailie loves science. LOVES. I would say borderline obsessive. It's something we encourage. She's always wanting to do experiments. We are currently studying weather with today's focus on the water cycle. We did an experiment today on condensation. I caught a few (wink wink) pictures.

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Monday, September 1, 2014

Our newest project!

I have been a fan of Easy Peasy since I came across it. In one of the great homeschooling groups I am a part of on facebook another mom posted a website that she was creating for kids. I LOVED it!

So Hailie and I started brainstorming. We wanted a site that could serve as a planner for her - somewhere where all the assignments for the day were laid out for her. She wanted more videos and more games (especially for math) if possible. So we set out and came up with this.

Check it out! It's a work in progress.We have been using it starting today and I will say that she has been staying focused and on task without any real redirection. I am thrilled!

Hailie's Homeschool Adventure

*** For anyone interested we created the site (for free!) using Weebly.com. Very user friendly and lots of options!

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