Hailie's Homeschool Adventures

Monday, August 25, 2014

First day... NOT back to school.

It is the first day of school around here and my facebook feed is full of pictures of kids returning back to school. This year for the first time Hailie won't be returning.

She noticed the pictures and wanted one to. This is what we came up with!

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Monday, August 4, 2014

The rough moments.

As early as we are into our homeschooling journey it hasn't been without those difficult moments. Juggling my toddler while trying to focus on Hailie at the same time can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. Most days I  can set him down with toys and turn the music up, classical typically. (We particularly love listening to The Piano Guys. If you haven't heard them before I highly recommend checking them out!)

Most days this arrangement works. He plays close by where I can keep an eye on him, while being able to focus on Hailie. Of course, that does not always work and he will constantly want me to pick him up. Add in on top of that those days when she gets frustrated (sometimes writing, sometimes math). She starts to slow down and drag. It can make for a long day!

These moments, however few they might be, tend to wear on me. I get discouraged when she gets frustrated and in the back of my mind I wonder if sending her back to public school would be better for her. I have to remind myself that this is a learning experience for me just as much as it is her. We are not that far into our journey and it is going to take time to discover what methods work for her and what does not.

Thankfully I have the encouragement of my husband who reminds me of the good we are doing. I just tend to forget that in those moments of frustration where I want to give up.
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Sunday, August 3, 2014

It begins!

I have debated for the last two weeks about whether or not I should start this blog. It is not my first one, and I am sure that it won't be my last. I did a lot of blogging when my daughter was younger. I reached the point where I ran out of things to talk about and life, well... it got in the way.

Yet, here we are once again. This time, however, I have a purpose. As we all know - life happens. Circumstances change and force us to make decisions. In our case the changes led us to decide that after Ladybug completed first grade she would no longer attend public school and would be homeschooled from this point forward.

We spent the first month of the summer relaxing and just enjoying time together. It always felt like we never got enough time during the school year. I missed my kid! At the beginning of July we began to transition into homeschooling. One of the things I wanted to do during that time period was to explore options in terms of curriculum and figure out exactly what she wanted. We tried online options as well as more hands on, workbook style options. In the end we are using a combination. We are on a limited budget so until we are able to get our hands on some of the pricier curriculum I want, we are using what we have available to us.

So far things seem to be falling into place. Our daughter is happier than I have seen her in a long time. She is excited about learning, and about Mama being the one to teach her.

It's an adventure and one I am looking forward to.

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